Naturopathic PRactitioner

Master Herbalist, Homeopathic Trained, RBTI, Iridology, Muscle Response Testing.

Location: Yankton, SD or Virtual Appointments

“Different approach to diagnosis and treatment will lead to different results”

“I specialize in: Your labs are normal, you’re fine”

“That is COMMON, but not NORMAL. Let’s fix that”

Happy Mama

“Our son suffered from monthly high fevers. when I say high I mean 102-106. His last fever was June of 2023, it got to 105. He'd seen many doctors and all they said was it was periodic fever syndrome, nothing they could do. We finally decided we were done in June and seen Valeri, lymes was the diagnosis. Did we treat our 4 year old daily for two months with natural remedies? We sure did! He wasn't keen on it, but eventually realized, he wouldn't have fevers again if it worked. Did it work? Sure did! Totally sold on natural healing. Thank You, Valeri!”

New Patient

“It is so refreshing to have a naturopath who is local”