What can your urine tell me about your liver health?


Actually a lot! Every doctors office should be running RBTI which stands for Rheams Biologic theory of Ionization.

It is a very complicated equation that Dr. Kary Rheams actually developed with the help of Einstein himself. It takes into account multiple factors found in urine and saliva and helps us determine how you are breaking down food and metabolizing it. Once my patient has left their samples of saliva and urine I take a few drops of urine on a Brix meter and determine the carbohydrates which is the first number in my equation. Next in the equation is the pH of both the saliva and the urine which is measured with a pH strip. Next is the salt of the urine, this is done with a conductivity meter. Next is the albumin or clarity of the urine, which is measured simply by attempting to look through the urine. And finally I utilize my nitrate and amoina to determine the ureas in the urine. It makes these pretty colors in the well plate and I reference them to my color chart.

Once I run an RBTI on a patient they will fall into one of 5 ranges based on their worst value. Range A basically means that all is good. Range E would direct us to believe that the digestive tract is moving too quickly and food isn’t being broken down or absorbed. Through RBTI we can effectively determine if high cholesterol is a threat, without piercing the skin. There is a specific value in the equation that relates to kidney health and one that relates to liver health. We can even get a good idea of if blood sugars are stable or not.

Finally, we will deturmine where the weakness is in the body and treat accordingly. This can be done with different forms of calcium to help the liver. Increased hydration, or maybe lemon water. Or one of my favorites is incorporating sauna use and detox bathing.


So now that you know how easily this information is to get, I want to know, is your doctor doing this simple test on you?

